Wednesday, July 1, 2009

Week 34, Day 1

Another great check-up for Lil’ Butterbean. Her heartbeat was very strong again yesterday and she is still head down. Of course, she keeps me going with lots of activity, but I love that too. We have 5 more weeks to go and I am anxious but slightly dreading the end of our journey together. I know I must sound selfish but I have bonded so much with her and I don’t want anyone else entering our union. LOL!!! I know, I know it will be even better when she is born and Mr. Butterbean Sr. has to be a part of all this too, but still…

No one could have ever told me how much I would enjoy pregnancy. I don’t know if it is because I struggled to conceive and fought and prayed for this baby that I am enjoying it so much or that I really can’t believe it is happening. I mean, I always knew it would happen but I am still in awe. Yesterday I passed by the mirror in the bathroom and I actually stopped to do a double take. I just stared at myself in the mirror, marveling over my pregnant belly, how my nose has spread (and I hope it stops) and I look like one of those pregnant women I’ve seen who are ready to pop, the ones who would cause my eyes to fill with tears and my heart to ache as I longed for a baby in my womb. I just smiled and praised God for this miracle. When I feel my baby move inside of me, I am in awe, unbelieving that some women receive this gift so easily and could care less about it or that they are not exceedingly happy that God has answered. Everyday with my baby is a miracle to me. It is a reason to get up out of bed and go forward with my day, a reason to rejoice and be glad. I am so very glad!

So, as I count down these final 5 weeks I have mixed emotions. I know I’ll be back telling you guys how sleepy I am or how I cannot imagine life without my little one and how seeing her face brings me such joy, but for now I am equally happy to have her tucked safely inside of me, with me every moment. It truly brings tears of joy to my eyes. I will never cease to praise God for answering our prayers. It was not as if I was so deserving, but he saw fit to answer and all I can do is be thankful.

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