Friday, August 14, 2009

The C-Section Experience

Since Lil' Butterbean did not come on her own, we went in for our scheduled section as planned.

We arrived to the hospital around 8:00am and were immediately given our consents to fill out. Then sat in the lobby with my MIL and neice for about 15 minutes before they came and took us back.

Both my husband and I undressed, I put on the hospital gown and he put on scrubs and a head bonnet. He looked like a doctor and I kept teasing him about it. Before that they sent him out to eat something and stated that they do not allow anyone back without them having eaten. We certainly did not want him to pass out, so he rushed off to eat and then came back. By then I had been shaven to prep the surgical area, given a IV with saline and a baby monitor put on. It was so cool to hear Lil' Butterbean's heartbeat like that. It was also one thing I enjoyed since I thought I would miss out on that having a section. Her hb was around 125 the whole while, but with my lying on my back she did not care for it so I had to roll to my left side, which has always been her favorite side. Soon we were tagged and I was taken back to the OR to get the spinal block.

Talk about an anxious walk. I had prayed and encouraged myself by reminding myself that God had brought us this far and now it was up to me to be brave and not fear the spinal. He has proven to me the type of God He is and the least I could do is face this next hurdle with faith. Prior to getting the block, the anesthesiologist came in to brief me. We spoke about drug interactions. I told him how when I had the myomectomy some drug I was given made me itch. He identified it as duramorph and said I would also get it this time, then advised me to ask the nurse for something to conteract the itching. We discussed my arms being restrained, because I did not want that. He told me it'd be loosely tied and not to fear it. Of course my request that my husband come back with me for the spinal was shot down. It was against hospital policy. So I walked back and went in to the very cold OR with the nurse. She was fantastic in comforting me. I sat on the side of the bed and rolled forward and the anethesiologist did his thing. One shot to numb me a bit and then the spinal block. Just a little bit of burning,nothing serious at all. next thing I knew my legs were tingling and getting numb. They had me lay flat. My OB was there prepping. Everyone introduced themselves and it was a beautiful thing.

My husband came in last armed with the camera. By then I was having some anxiety because I was trying to move my legs and could not. I literally started freaking. I told my husband I did not think I could do this. He immediately began to comfort me and I could feel him holding one of my arms that had not been tied down. I can tell you now I see why they tie the arms down, because I would have been flalling them all around if they had not. What's more it was VERY loosely tied down, not like Frankenstein at all. At any rate, my anethesiologist kept asking me how I was doing and monitoring everything. I told him I was completely freaking out, so he gave me something because I got better and calmer. He gave me oxygen and told me I was doing great. My BP had dropped a tad so that was contributing to my anxiety. Mr. Butterbean Sr. reassured me and told me his focus was on me and making sure I was okay. That put me at ease.

I could feel pulling and tugging and hear my OB talking a bit. I think I heard him mention adhesions from the myomectomy. I am going to order his operative report to get all the details. I felt tugging and pulling. Then lots of tugging and pulling and then I felt like I was empty. I told my husband 'I am empty'. Then I heard our miracle crying and my husband say 'Oh look at her'. I could hear in his voice that he was overwhelmed. I just continued to take it all in as I listened to Lil' Butterbean cry and cry. I told myself in advance I would not get upset with her crying and me not being able to comfort her immediately, because she needed to cry to clearn her lungs out. Her apgar was high, but she had a little bit of difficulty breathing becuase she had fluid that had not had a chance to be squeezed out since she did not come down the birth canal. She cried and and soon my husband went over to see her. Then he was back with me. After a few more moments they brought her over for me to see and then took her back for some additonal stuff they do. After that, they gave her to my husband and he brought her over to me and I just stared into her little, precious face. Our miracle was here!!! The staff was nice enough to take photos and I tell you, they all seemed to genuinely care. The anesthesiologist commented on how beautiful she was and what a blessing she was. I could not have agreed more.

In the meantime my doctor was stitching me up and opted to do the staples and an injection to help reduce keloids for me (since I had gotten some from the myomectomy scar). After he was done, he told me everything went wonderfully and then commented that he followed all my instructions (from my birthing plan). He told the OR 'Oh yes, she had a list of instructions for me and I followed them all'. I just laughed. My husband then commented that we'd see him three more times for three more babies and our OB stated 'I don't take that as a threat. Just don't call me when the tuition bills come in'. It was a very nice atmosphere.

They took my oxygen away and took out the epidural. Transfered me to another bed and took me back to recovery. They put Lil' Butterbean on the bed, between my legs and we both went back to recovery where the nurse immediately took vitals and then put her to my breast for feeding. She latched on and had her first meal. Shortly after they came to take her in for a bath and I took a nap, then I was moved to my room and the baby soon followed. My fear of being separated from her was unfounded. They wanted her with me at all times and once we got in my room, she never left except for her hearing tests and weigh ins. I was VERY pleased with the service. We went to breast feeding classes and everything and lactation consultants came by the room to visit us. The entire experience was a blessing and I can't wait to do this again. Yes, i am already ready for the next baby. The doctor says we should wait 9-12 months.

A few days after the staples were but in, they were removed and steristrips put on. Removal was painless, just tiny pinches if that. I was actually up and out of bed that night. My legs were back within a few hours. Getting up the same day is really the best thing and helps you heal faster. By noon the next day my cathether was out (they put that in after the spinal so I did not feel a thing) and I was using the bathroom on my own and they took the IV out. The nurses said I was acting like a vaginal birth instead of a c-section. I credit this to the experience from the myomectomy and lots of faith in God! I barely needed any pain meds. It was not so much for the c-section pain, but for the pain from my uterus contracting when Lil' Butterbean was nursing. Ouch! But the beauty of it is, is my uterus was contracting quickly (they have to check this and it hurt a bit but nothing unbearable). The nurse actually pushes on the uterus to see where it is. They had given me pitocin immediately after the surgery to help with the uterus contracting too.

I stayed in the hospital for 4 days because that is what my insurance covered and I was able to get 3 meals a day and all the help I needed while healing.

Now 3 weeks out, I feel great. It was not a hard thing to care for Lil' Butterbean with the c-section. God gave me the strength to do what I needed to do to get the job done. The c-section experience was not bad like I thought, I did not feel slighted and like I said I can't wait to do it again!

My miracle is here and I could not be happier or prouder.

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