Monday, August 29, 2011

Week 9, Day 3

First let me remember NOT to doubt myself. I was right on target with the babies due date.

We saw and heard our little Limabean on Thursday! The sonographer confirmed we were exactly 8w6d on Thursday. So I am not a week behind!!! Baby is due March 30th and we are already planning for a c-section on March 26th.

I told my boss and co-workers right after I got back. They are all excited for me and my husband.

A very great day. I am still with my nausea and having to eat every 3 hours to stave off the morning sickness. I am sort of tired of eating at this rate but of course, I do what I got to do.

1 comment:

Amy said...

I found your blog researching cold hands/feet and infertility. I just wondered if you found the acupuncture to be helpful and solve your "cold uterus" problem. I'm curious as I was basically diagnosed with the you think it's a scam to get you to come twice a week?? Any info would be greatly appreciated!