Yesterday was one of the greatest days of my life. I mean a truly amazing day. I went in to have the Nuchal Fold testing done on Lil’ Butterbean. I got to lay there in awe for about 15 minutes watching my little one propel with his/her legs, suck his/her thumb, hiccup, roll and bob around. The tech was surprised at how active the baby is. She said ‘this one is doing baby aerobics’. We watched it moved in rhythmic motions that surprised both of us. Just by looking at all that action and energy I say it’s a boy, but then again as I watched I thought of my youngest niece and how she jumps and bounces off of everything and I said well maybe a wild girl. But whatever it is I was beaming from ear to ear watching. I am a proud momma already.
Mr. Butterbean Sr. missed the event because he had to work on the snow removal for our area. He has been working for 2 days straight, finally able to go in and relax this morning. We had an appointment this morning to hear the babies heartbeat. Its still nice and strong. Yesterday it was 159 beats! Healthy and strong.
The first part of the nuchal fold test was in range so I am waiting to get the blood work results back. All praises to God.
Mr. Butterbean Sr. missed the event because he had to work on the snow removal for our area. He has been working for 2 days straight, finally able to go in and relax this morning. We had an appointment this morning to hear the babies heartbeat. Its still nice and strong. Yesterday it was 159 beats! Healthy and strong.
The first part of the nuchal fold test was in range so I am waiting to get the blood work results back. All praises to God.

Beautiful u/s pictures!
Plan that vacation now! My vote is for US Virgin Islands.
How beautiful your baby looks already. Sounds like you've got a little gymnast in there :o)
Many congrats on a good test so far.
God Bless,
[I have not had the courage to re-write the email. Please accept my sincerest apologies.]
Thank you both. This is such an incredible journey and I am enjoying every minute of it.
Rebound Girl
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