Friday, February 27, 2009

Week 16, Day 4

I had my 16 week check up yesterday and heard Lil’ Butterbean’s heart beat. It was nice and strong at 140 beats. Seems to have gone down because it started out in the 160’s, then 150’s now 140’s. LBB (Lil’ Butterbean) may have been sleeping though so who knows. Mr. Butterbean Sr. was there of course only wanting to know when we can find out the sex of the baby. Our doctor told us in 2-4 weeks. Mr. Butterbean Sr. wanted 2 weeks and I wanted 4 weeks, so I said lets compromise on 3 weeks. He had a slight attitude. I tried to explain that 18 weeks may be too early to clear a get view of the gender, plus I wanted to be sure everything else is normal (heart, lungs etc). Well Mr. Butterbean Sr. snapped that he knows women who could tell the sex at 16 weeks. So I promptly shut down and got my blood drawn. We did a blood draw for spina bifida. While I was doing that I asked the tech what week she found out what she was having because she is currently due in April. She told me oh between 17 and 20 weeks, then another tech chimed in that its better to wait until 20 weeks because the baby is more developed and the u/s tech is really not concerned about the sex of the baby at all, they are most concerned about organ development and ensuring there are no anomalies. Wow! Sounded just like what I’d said, but by then Mr. Butterbean Sr. had taken his pouty mouth and sat in the lobby. After the blood draw I made my appointment which finalized for Mr. Butterbean Sr. that it would be 3 weeks and not 2. He was quite agitated. I attempted to tell him what the nurse had said, but he continued to be pissy. So I said ‘whatever’ which means so much more in the female language and hopped in my car and drove off.

Mr. Butterbean Sr. is so anxious to find out the sex of our baby. He knows it all because he has carried and delivered numerous babies himself and has a uterus and motherly instinct as well…NOT!

Anywho…the round ligament pain is getting me a bit. Most days I feel so sore and stiff around the waist. The lack of appetite has subsided too and now I can eat, just small portions though. I still have not gained any weight, but this is surely the last week of my regular clothes. I am going to go buy some maternity pants this weekend. Overall I still needs my naps but I am not as tired as before. So maybe the second trimester will be a lot different than the first. I am enjoying it all and taking it all in. Still waiting to feel those first movements though.

I hope everyone is well.

God Bless!

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