Thursday, June 18, 2009

Week 33, Day 1

The date has been set for our c-section. It will be August 5, 2009 at 9:30am. I will be 39 weeks and 1 day. I wanted to schedule as closely as I could to week 40. It is sort of neat to be able to put a date and time to it. Original due date is August 11 and Mr. Butterbean Sr. selected the 5th since I was born on the 5th. I was thinking along the same lines as well.

Since my last post, we attended a c-section birth class to help prepare us for what is to come. It was informative and Mr. Butterbean Sr. really got a lot of it. I can’t ask for much more. After we finished the class we viewed a live c-section birth video online. Another eye opener for Mr. Butterbean Sr. He called me at work several times through the video to say ‘this is serious’ or ‘this is deep’ or ‘Oh Lord’. Poor guy LOL!!! I told him I had seen a myomectomy video and so I sort of knew what to expect only thing is a baby comes out at the end instead of a big fibroid. Well when I sat down to watch it I was alarmed at the how huge the ladies uterus was. Good grief it was big, but what can one expect. The uterus is a friggin’ amazing muscle. It is normally the size of a fist and can stretch to the size of a watermelon. That is some powerful stuff! The video did help me and I think we will do fine, now that I know Mr. Butterbean Sr. has watched it and understands what is going to be happening. He said, all I know is to stay on the other side of the curtain and not look over there. LOL!!! He will be there to hold my hand and help me through this, so I am opting not to get a doula. Plus they only allow one person back so…

I am also writing up my birth plan. I gotta make sure I have stuff in writing so the doctor’s know what I expect. I don’t have time to leave it up to them to decide for me. For example, they say they strap your arms down during surgery. I say heck no! Who wants to be strapped down like Frankenstein? Not me. So I am requesting my arms be free. They say it is to prevent you from grabbing into the surgical area when you feel the pressure and tugging with them getting the baby out. I say ‘bullshyt, I’ve never noticed a laboring woman with her arms tied down’. But at any rate, we’ll see.

I am currently researching staples versus stitches or glue to close my incision and leaning heavily towards staples. It was a big surprise for me as well, but after my myomectomy scar healed so hideously, I think stapling will be a better option to reduce bumpiness and keloids. When they cut this ugly mess off I want it to heal more smoothly.

On a final note, I got to see my baby in action for the last time on u/s. They did some measuring to find she is about 4lbs 4oz, head down and ready to go. She has her mommie’s chubby cheeks and her daddy’s long legs (just as I predicted). I can’t wait to meet this little girl and am completely in love all over again.

Tuesday, June 2, 2009

Week 30, Day 1

My final consult is complete. Mr. Butterbean Sr. and I went to have a consultation with a well respected and experienced doctor named Dr. Jean Tchabo. He specializes in VBAC births and so I wanted to meet with him and to make my final decision on VBAAM. He looked at the operative report and the x-rays of my HSG to see the shape of my uterus. He then recommended that we go ahead and do a c-section. He said of course vaginal birth can be tried, but it is not wise. He told me to not feel as if I had failed and to go ahead and do this and preserve my uterus. He said that if my uterus was to rupture at the incision, then the baby would come popping out of the top and the placenta would be deprived. He then said that he thinks it is a miracle that they removed such a large fibroid from my fundus and were able to stitch me up while keeping my tubes open. He mentioned that if my uterus ruptured I would probably not be able to have more children. He asked how many we wanted and I said 3-4 and he said it is possible, he has done up to 7 c-sections on one woman so it is possible. Mr. Butterbean Sr. asked about healing time, which the doctor said 9 months to heal and then try again. I was pleased with that tidbit.

Then Mr. Butterbean Sr. asked his favorite question, which is how tall will the baby be since he is well over 6 feet and I am barely over 5. The doctor said the baby will be a big baby and he thinks she’ll be 8 lbs because he can tell I am running out of space and will begin to grow out instead of up. He said I am probably having difficulty breathing at times, lots of indigestion and unable to eat a lot. He was dead on in what he was saying because often I have to stand up or stretch to give Lil’ Butterbean the room she needs. Sometimes I think she is busting out. So he recommended I eat 8 small meals a day and was very happy with the 10 pound weight gain. Now I was thinking Lil’ Butterbean would top out at 6lbs at the most, so a number like 8lbs has me floored. I guess we will see.

He made me feel so relaxed and at ease. And answered all of Mr. Butterbean Sr.’s questions at length. Now I see why he came so highly recommended by midwives. We were both happy with our visit when we left and will move ahead with scheduling the c-section at 39 weeks.

As of now, I am still feeling a lot of action from Lil’ Butterbean. I truly do not have a lot of appetite, but have been trekking along eating my small snacks every 2 hours and enjoying my time in the nursery (still not complete). I also am finalizing my gift registries in preparation for a couple of baby showers. That should be fun.

To God be the glory for all he has done, is doing and will do.