Tuesday, January 20, 2009

Week 11, Day 1

Ahhh, what a historic day! Although I did not go to DC I did watch the history being made on CNN. It was awesome to watch Biden and then Obama take their oathes, them escort Bush and Cheney out (yippee) and then watching the numerous events that followed. I watched all day, napping and dosing and watching some more. I am so very excited about what is to come.

Yesterday was Martin Luther King Day. Imagine how my eyes filled with tears when I spoke to my 3 year old niece and she told me 'today is King Day and he had a dream'. Oh, I feel like my sister is the best mom in the world...rearing, loving and teaching her little ones these historic stories of our forefathers who fought so that we might have the freedoms and overflow that we have today. Today's inauguration was a HUGE downpayment on the dream that Dr. King had.

No true nausea, just small bouts of it. I do not have a huge appetite but am eating well. I feel I might be able to start cooking some balanced meals again. I have not eaten much today. I did have a good breakfast, some cereal, two slices of meatless pizza and 2 chocolate chip cookies. I think I will end the night with some oatmeal.

On top of all this, I am 11 weeks today. My baby is growing, although his/her head is huge (LOL!!) he/she looks more like a baby and I can't wait to hear the heart beating next week and see my little one. Oh what an exciting time. I cannot begin to thank God enough on this day especially. I am overjoyed and so excited about what life holds.

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