Friday, January 9, 2009

Week 9, Day 3

I had my first prenatal appointment yesterday. I did a consult, gave 5 tubes of blood for various testings and did a vaginal exam. Mr. Butterbean Sr. was there the entire time even through the exam. He sat in a corner squirming. I told him this can only help prepare him for the delivery that he thinks he'll be in the lobby for. Oh no you don't. If I have to walk through hell in gasoline drawers, surely he can be there to hold my hand. LOL!!! The doctor confirmed my due date of August 11th and answered a few questions we had. Of course Mr. Butterbean Sr. wanted to know about sex, as if he was not having any. I was surprised to hear that I can have sex. I told the doctor I was afraid to have an orgasm because I did not want to disturb my uterus, but she said orgasm is fine, its the semen that can sometimes cause cramping. So I giggled inside as I thought that we could have sex but my husband would have to withdraw or...dare I say it...not ejaculate. But the doctor suggested condoms. LOL!!!

Turns our I can still eat California roll sushi, just NO raw meats. YUMMY!

As of now, I've had a nasty cold for a few days so I think its suppressed the naseau. But as I am getting better, I am feeling it a little. But its just a little. I pray that is on the way OUT. Tired of it and have had enough. I say that knowing my naseau was mild compared to what I've seen.

I am breaking out like a teenager with two big red pimples on each check and one white one on my nose. Good grief! Its all good though I am happy to push along with my Butterbean in tow. Because I prayed for this child and God has given my petition that I asked for ~ I Samuel 1:27. Amen!

1 comment:

Searching for Serenity said...

Sex and sushi!! You both got good news out of the appointment. Glad to hear it went well.

Take care and feel better soon.