Tuesday, December 9, 2008

Week 5, Day 1

Today marks week five if my calculations are correct.

After telling my sister the news, she told me to call the OB and set an appt. I did that yesterday and my appt. is on 12/16 to do bloodwork and the exam. I am very excited about it all and a little scared.

Today I am experiencing cramping. I don't think its really cramping but its more like a dull pain. I told my sister about that last night and she said its probably my uterus expanding. I guess that is what it is because online it says if there is no bleeding then all is well. I pray all is well.

I told my accupunturist I am pregant and she told me to take it very easy, no heavy lifting and no sex for 3 months. Wow! Mr. Butterbean Sr. is afraid to touch me until we have our appt. I bet if I tell him no sex for 3 months he'll be highly upset. LOL!!! Well we'll do what is best for Butterbean. I've been eating all the right things, just a few bad things (cookies and cheetos). I've been drinking milk, eating cheese, eating lots of fruit and veggies. I picked up walnuts because they have omega 3 and I am just trying to do all the right things to give my baby the fighting chance she/he needs.

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